SUMO/ ‘Living legend’ Tamawashi sets consecutive mark with 1,631st bout_twitch サブスク 特典
SUMO/ ‘Living legend’ Tamawashi sets consecutive mark with 1,twitch サブスク 特典631st bout
September 11, 2024 at 15:50 JST
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Tamawashi, left, attacks Kagayaki at the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo’s Sumida Ward on Sept. 10. (Ken Komiya)
Unbreakable Tamawashi went about his business on Sept. 10 in the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament as he has done over the past 20 years, never missing a bout in the doyho.
The 39-year-old maegashira No. 10 set a new record by competing in his 1,631st consecutive match, breaking the record held by former sekiwake Aobajo.
In addition, Tamawashi sent his fans home happy, winning against Kagayaki for his first victory in the autumn tournament after losing his first two bouts in the 15-day tournament.
“I feel relieved. I’m really glad,” said Tamawashi, breaking into a smile.
His opponent that day was Kagayaki, 30, a maegashira No. 11, who used to serve as Tamawashi’s assistant.
After they clashed heads with a thud at the initial charge, Tamawashi extended his arms and kept thrusting with both hands while advancing.
Tamawashi dominated the bout with his one-sided attack, marking the 822nd win of his long career since his debut in January 2004.
Tamawashi admitted to being more nervous than on Sept. 9, when he tied the mark set by Aobajo.
He said even practicing his sonkyo crouching position before starting the match felt awkward.
However, he felt empowered because of the cheers of the spectators in the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo's Sumida Ward.
Among them were people who held up signboards celebrating his achievement.
“I felt I was supported and watched over," Tamawashi said. "I was really glad.”
His supporters sent a cake, on which “1631” was written, to his sumo practice room.
His fellow sumo wrestlers also celebrated his record. His good friend sekiwake Abi praised him, saying Tamawashi was a “living legend.”
From Sept. 10, he will extend the record each time he competes.
Tamawashi told reporters that he still wants to do his best with the goal of at least returning to the sanyaku ranks (the top three ranks below the highest rank of yokozuna).
Tamawashi also made his 990th consecutive appearance as a makuuchi wrestler on Sept. 10. This marked the sixth most appearances in the makuuchi ranks and is tied with Takarafuji, a maegashira No. 15.
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